So I am watching and reading the business news lately and the basic theme is that we are screwed no matter what we do for a while. The markets will be very volatile for some time and we shouldn't expect to get any decent returns anytime soon. Our homes are dropping in value so we will all be lucky to sell them for what we paid for them if we bought them anytime in the last five years or so. So the best thing to do they say is to pick safe investments, like money market funds and bonds, etc, however inflation is running higher than most of the returns they offer, so we still lose money. What a mess. It is amazing that just a couple of months ago the President and his men were telling us how the fundamentals of the economy were strong, and now they are telling us what a disaster this is. What a bunch of irresponsible jerks. They actually knew all along that the fundamentals were not strong. You can't run massive budget deficits, massive trade deficits, have a negative savings rate, and pretend that all is well. They were just hoping to get out of office before the crash happened. Oops, it didn't work out that way. Now Bush has solidified his spot as one of the worst presidents in US history. What an idiot. Trillions of dollars have been lost, retirements wrecked, careers extended, and our leadership couldn't care less. I used to be a Republican. Not any more.
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